No school Friday, February 20th! Fun fact: During extremely cold temperatures and snowy conditions, bathroom scales display an extra 5 pounds. Scientists are baffled by this phenomenon but unanimously agree it has nothing to do with cabin-fever-induced binge eating! Enjoy your day off Lincoln and we will see you next week!
12 days ago, Admin
no school
Another snow day for tomorrow, February 20th! We would love to see your pictures if you have braved single-digit temperatures to build forts and snowmen!
13 days ago, Admin
school closed february 20
It’s official, no school tomorrow! Wednesday, February 19th, 2025, is a snow day. Drop your best 'Snow Day' movie recommendations, we’re going to need them in the days ahead!
14 days ago, Admin
School Closed February 19
Good afternoon LCSD family! By now, we’ve all heard about the impending winter doom and (hopefully) made our mad dash to the local grocer for essentials, like hot cocoa and Reese’s Pieces, to help sustain us in these trying times. While we hesitate to cancel school before the first flake falls, we’d rather be safe than sorry. So, school is canceled tomorrow, February 18th. And judging by the forecast, you can probably guess where this is headed for the rest of the week. Stay tuned here, on our app, or on the school website for updates. Stay warm, stay safe, and if you must venture out in the coming days be careful!
15 days ago, Admin
school closed
We’re proud to spotlight Tyler McBride and Yvette Townsend for their participation in Capitol Day with Teach Plus Arkansas! They met with lawmakers to advocate for early childhood literacy, school-based mental health resources, teacher retention, and reducing chronic absenteeism. Pictured with Arkansas State Representative Kendra Moore, they attended committee meetings and engaged in important discussions to help shape a brighter future for Arkansas students!
18 days ago, Admin
Teacher Plus Arkansas
Join us for our upcoming Community Alliance Meeting next Tuesday! Let’s come together to discuss meaningful ways to strengthen our school district and build a more connected community. We’d love to hear your ideas! February, 18th, 2025 8:30 AM 107 East School Street - Administration Office
21 days ago, Admin
Community Alliance Meeting
February is National Potato Lovers Month! Celebrate with these recipes!
27 days ago, Admin
LCSD Recipes
January is National Baking Month! Try baking and making these simple and delicious muffins to celebrate Scan the QR code or click the link:
about 1 month ago, Admin
Corn Dog Muffins Recipes
January is here, and we’re off to a great start! Check out January's reminders for LHS in this month's edition of 'Counselor's Corner'. Fall semester grades are finalized and available in e-School/HAC, and spring classes are underway. Let’s make it a jam-packed January! #CounselorCorner #LincolnHighSchool
about 1 month ago, Admin
Counselor Corner 01
Counselor Corner 02
Counselor Corner 03
Counselor Corner 04
Winter Blood Drive Announcement Date: Wednesday, January 29 Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Location: Bloodmobile in the high school parking lot Sign-Up Information: After accessing the site, click on January 29 to view and select appointment time options. Quick Pass Option: Save time on the day of the drive by completing the Quick Pass online up to 24 hours before your appointment. Access the Quick Pass here: Note: Filling out the Quick Pass in advance allows you to skip the standard questions and streamline your check-in process. We look forward to seeing you there!
about 1 month ago, Admin
LCSD Blood Drive 25
Lincoln CSD will be closed Friday, January 10, due to inclement weather and hazardous road conditions. See everyone next week!
about 2 months ago, Admin
no school Jan 10
Out of an abundance of caution and concern for safety, we will be canceling school tomorrow. The forecast predicts snow and ice by midday, and with many of our routes on mountain roads that are among the first to become hazardous, we believe it is in the best interest of our district to close rather than risk early release.
about 2 months ago, Matt Hudgens
no school Jan 9
Good afternoon LCSD families! We’re closely monitoring the winter weather expected tomorrow, Thursday, January 9th. While we can't make a decision just yet about closures, please be prepared for the possibility of no school or early dismissal. We'll send out updates as soon as a decision is made. All-Call System: If you’re unsure whether your contact information is up-to-date, please reach out to your child's campus front office to confirm. This ensures you’ll receive important announcements about closings, delays, or early dismissals. Push Notifications: Don’t have the LCSD app yet? Download it today from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store! We use the app to send out notifications on major news and events that impact LCSD families. Where to Check for Updates: LCSD website Our social media pages The LCSD app All-call system Stay safe and warm! Reach out if you have any questions.
about 2 months ago, Admin
Winter Weather Alert Graphic
It's time to order your 2025 Colors Day Merch! Order online at or you can pick up and turn in an order form in your student's school office. Last day to order is tomorrow January 8th!
about 2 months ago, Admin
Happy new year! School is back in session tomorrow. We will see everyone then!
about 2 months ago, Matt Hudgens
It's time to order your 2025 Colors Day Merch! Order online: Or you can pick up and turn in an order form in your student's school office.
3 months ago, Admin
Colors Day 2025
More recipes from the LCSD kitchen! Scan the QR code in the flyer or visit the link below!
3 months ago, Admin
Snowman Snack Recipies
Thanksgiving is coming up next week, which inevitably means you will have too much turkey leftover from Thanksgiving Dinner. To view some excellent recipes scan the QR code in the flyer or use the following link:
3 months ago, Admin
Calling all 3rd-6th graders for basketball signups! Rosters will be sent to coaches within the next week, so make sure to sign up ASAP to secure your spot!
4 months ago, Admin
pee wee signup
Looking for holiday assistance this season? We're here to help. 'Washington County Shop with Cop' forms are now available in campus offices. Please reach out to your child's office and submit your forms as soon as possible to ensure we can support families in need during this holiday season. Phone: 824-7310
4 months ago, Admin
Shop With A Cop